Along with the country, middle and poor families of backward states like Jharkhand earn between Rs 30,000 to 50,000 a month. Almost all the middle class families earn between 30 to 50 thousand rupees per month from job or business, in such cases income tax exemption has been given to those families on income up to seven lakh rupees. This decision of the Central Government is welcome and commendable. Harelal Mahato said that this time a lot of provision has been made in the budget for farmers, women and the elderly. The schemes announced for the farmers will prove beneficial for the country. Harelal Mahato said that rising above politics, the Jharkhand government should cooperate in making the schemes of the central government successful. Efforts will have to be made to benefit the general public by spending the amount given by the central government on time, only then the development of the state is possible.
Budget that gives relief to middle class families is welcome: Harelal Mahato
February 01, 2023
Chandil: AJSU Central Secretary Harelal Mahto has called the budget brought by the Central Government as welcome and commendable. Responding to the budget, Harelal Mahato said that this time the middle and poor families have been given huge exemption in income tax in the budget.
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